Transform your Workplace Safety and Embrace Digital Health and Safety Processes with UrAudits


December 13 , 2023

Since the pandemic, people’s attitudes toward technology in the workplace have changed significantly. There has been a strong motivation to utilise various technological tools for communication, collaborative document work, and software that simplifies sharing and accessing crucial business data.


Can you believe that even before 2020, people already used Zoom for meetings?


In fact, Based on the info that UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) gathered, it has come to know that more than 30 million workdays were missed in just 2017 because of health and safety problems. This cost the UK a lot of money.


Moving business processes onto digital platforms has turned out to be easier than we thought at first. The speed at which digital changes have happened has been faster than what we predicted.


One particular area that needs to adopt technology is the realm of health and safety. Historically, this has involved a lengthy process of dealing with paperwork across businesses nationwide. This is where the “health and safety audit app” comes in – it streamlines this process significantly.


Simplifying the Shift to Digital Health and Safety Processes

Businesses have transitioned to online methods for tasks like audits, real-time accident reporting, incident investigations, and near-miss records.


The problem is that commonly used tools, such as Office 365, don’t cater well to the specific needs of health and safety or offer easily accessible real-time safety insights to management.

That’s why solutions like UrAudits tailored to the industry are gaining popularity. They provide a simple way to swiftly adopt digital processes without needing to master an entirely new system or spend excessive time adjusting existing tools.


The significant benefit is that these solutions let businesses work together in real time. This means everyone can stay updated about possible dangers and risks, stopping problems before they get serious.


Remove the Barriers

If you’re still using paper or computer-based records, you might wonder how hard it is to switch to an all-in-one software tool like UrAudits.


No need for fancy tech skills or coding knowledge; these tools are designed to be user-friendly and require minimal training.


Getting started with UrAudits is easy – your IT team won’t need to invest much time. UrAudits provides staff training using a ‘train to share’ approach (Training individuals or employees to become proficient in a specific skill or knowledge area and then encouraging them to share that knowledge with others in the company).


It’s simple, and our team ensures we guide you through every step.


Selecting the Right PartnerTransform your Workplace Safety and Embrace Digital Health and Safety Processes with UrAudits

Just like any procurement, finding the right partner who understands health and safety and listens to your needs will help make the transition from paper to digital smoother and simpler.


The shift to digital for health and safety might be simple or a bit more complex.

This will depend on your company’s specifics, the risk levels in your workplace, your on-site personnel, the project’s available resources, and your existing technological setup.

We’ll discuss this with you to thoroughly understand your current situation.


What to Think About Before Going Digital?

As discussed, moving to digital health and safety can be simple or complex, it all depends on your firm current resources, structure and technological setup.


Consider to apply these:


  • Your Tech Setup: What technology is already in use? Do your team members have devices like tablets or mobile phones? Is there WiFi on your site? What records are already computerised?
  • Your Company’s Size: The process will vary based on the company size. Have 200 personnel and 80 contractors compared to 160,000 personnel and 15,000 contractors and subcontractors. More prominent companies might need more planning for digitalisation due to complex processes.
  • Your Resources: Do you have a dedicated health and safety manager? How much of their time is consumed on everyday safety tasks? Can they handle a digital transformation alongside their current responsibilities?
  • Regulations: Are you meeting health and safety requirements? Regulations specify data collection and record-keeping.


Switching to digital or using solutions like UrAudits requires planning and investment depending on the company size, structure, and strategy they use. Still, the advantages it offers are precious. Some benefits include enhanced data accuracy, easy access, efficient real-time reporting, and improved employee collaboration.


The 5 Important Features of Health and safety audit app – UrAuditsTransform your Workplace Safety and Embrace Digital Health and Safety Processes with UrAudits

You need more than just knowing the benefits; you must know what digital inspection software has in common that makes it more beneficial. So, let’s explore the features of the Health and Safety inspection app called UrAudits.


Keeping Track of Audits Clearly

Having a well-defined record of audits is very important for managing health and safety in any company. If things go wrong, being transparent and consistent is crucial. It helps prove that your company did everything possible to reduce risks and address hazards in the workplace. The challenge is that traditional paper systems and Excel sheets can be hard to navigate, making it tough to find important documents when needed.


But, if all your company’s records are in a single database, finding them becomes much easier and less stressful. Contractors can easily access health and safety policies, medical records, training certificates, and more. This is especially helpful since only some keep every piece of paper they receive during employment. It’s valuable for keeping contractors informed and up to date.


Automating Processes

The top health and safety auditor app centralises company documents and allows you to automate sharing information with your staff.


In the past, when a contractor needed to renew a training certificate, it was up to either the main contractor or the individual contractor to remember the expiration date and update records. The issue is that losing track is easy, especially with a large workforce or certificates that need reviewing every few years.


However, by inputting the information into the health and safety inspection app, automatic reminders are sent out well ahead. This proactive approach helps businesses tackle compliance issues before they become serious problems.


Simplicity of Use

Some people might hesitate about this more modern approach to health and safety – we can forget that not everyone has computer skills like a software developer. So, it’s essential to have a user-friendly H&S management system.


However, user-friendliness doesn’t mean sacrificing functionality. Picking something simple is pointless if it lacks the features you need. But you shouldn’t need advanced computer knowledge to set up reminders or introductory emails.


The software service provider must offer ongoing support while you’re using the software, and UrAudits does that. This is true even for advanced health and safety inspection apps because, sometimes, even experienced users may require help or guidance to ensure smooth operation and effective utilisation.


Managing DocumentsTransform your Workplace Safety and Embrace Digital Health and Safety Processes with UrAudits

If you oversee many sub-contractors, you know that each person must have the proper certification to work on a project – it’s a legal rule. Yet, organising, storing, and keeping up with all these documents can be challenging and inefficient without a dedicated health and safety audit app for Android and iOS.


A single, easily accessible database for all documentation significantly reduces administration time. This applies to making new records and updating existing ones. These actions are vital for your company’s health and safety policy and can even help lower insurance costs.


Simplified Communication

For individual contractors, H&S software makes connecting with the main contractor easier.

This is especially vital for submitting documents like essential training certificates or medical records. These documents can easily get lost in a pile of papers with traditional filing methods. This situation is more common than you might realise and could lead your company to face expensive legal actions or leave your contractors without work.


We hope knowing the features will convince you to use digital-based software for your health and safety procedures. You could contact us if you are ready to digitalize your health and safety audit and inspections.


Steps After Choosing Digital Health and safety audit appTransform your Workplace Safety and Embrace Digital Health and Safety Processes with UrAudits

If your management team has decided to use software to manage health and safety processes, here are essential steps to follow:


  1. Identify Your Processes: Decide which health and safety tasks you want to manage digitally, like incident real-time reports, risk assessments, and safety checks. Figure out your needed features, such as real-time reporting, user access control, and automatic alerts. Key question: What do you need?
  2. Research Software Options: Look into available software and compare them based on your needs. Go for a software with the features you need and an easy-to-use design. You can consider the software cost, how user-friendly it is, how well the software can connect and work together with other systems, and most importantly customer support. Key question: Is the software easy to use and supported well?
  3. Make an Implementation Plan: Create a plan with timelines, roles, training requirements, and data migration. Decide how existing data will move to the new software and how users will be trained. Our experts can assist with this. Key consideration: Who is best suited for rolling out the software?
  4. Rollout Strategy: Once you have a plan, work with your team and software provider to introduce the software. You could start with a small group for testing and gathering feedback before expanding to the entire company. Key consideration: Who needs immediate access?


A solid plan boosts successful software implementation and usage.


UrAudits Users Share Their Experience with Health and Safety Digitalisation

Our one of the valuable client’s shares:

“We’re about to start replacing our site paperwork with UrAudits’ user-friendly and cost-effective electronic solution. This change is expected to increase our Site Managers’ efficiency, ensure compliance, and contribute more to the environment.”

So experience the transformation with our health and safety audit app for iOS!


  • Get real-time reports
  • Boost Productivity & Compliance
  • Cloud Integration & Data Analytics


Download now our inspection app, available for both iOS and Android, for a safer tomorrow! We’re dedicated to supporting your transition to digital health and safety practises.